Dedicated To Technology and Excellence In Healthcare
With our vast experience and proven expertise (success) ELI Health continues to be the top-rated, trusted choice in providing Healthcare Management (HIS) software and Ophthalmology EMR software in India, South East Asia, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific regions. We serve to single/multispecialty hospitals and ophthalmology-centric practices of all sizes..
Our Solutions
NETRAM Ophthalmology EMR
Template-driven, tightly integrated,
coordinated patient care
A comprehensive solution to meet the end to end (from appointment through discharge to follow-up visits) needs of all sizes of healthcare practices in India, South East Asia, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific regions.
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KIRTI Practice Marketing
Your brand is not what you say about you, it is what patients say about you
Patient online reviews have the power to make or break your practice as people take online reviews very seriously in choosing a doctor. An unmanaged negative review is a sure recipe for disaster. Then, wonder what to do about them?
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Microsoft Products
Create secure, future-ready,
affordable business solutions
with Microsoft
Global leader in technology that develops, licenses, and supports a wide range of software products, services including Azure Cloud Services, and devices with flexible licensing and subscription models.
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NETRAM Cloud Services
Migrating to Cloud is not a trend.
It a must to future-proof your
Moving and adapting to Cloud is a challenge you need not face alone. Our security-centric approach with low-risk and cost-optimized focus helps you adopt to Cloud (Microsoft Azure Services) and manage your Cloud environment seamlessly.
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No. of Doctors
Equipment Integration Experience
NABH Hospitals
International Users
NETRAM EMR is trusted and appreciated
by clients worldwide
What can be a better advertisement for any product and services than users’ expressing satisfaction and appreciation? Our clients from different regions and using different languages interfaces are happy with Eli Health’s NETRAM EMR + HIS Solution and also with our implementation and support.
Watch the video to know more.https://youtu.be/xscth2Ziiys
Our Prestigious Clients
